On-Line Photography Courses​

Here are my in-depth digital courses

I offer extensive photography courses consisting of videos, pdfs and handy field guides, in which I take you through the camera settings for all kinds of landscape and night sky photography and the digital post processing workflow to process your RAW images.

complete workflow for landscape photograPhy

Landscapes have many elements that are affect camera settings and the image processing. This course covers camera settings, composition, light control and digital post-production processing in Lightroom and Photoshop.

complete workflow for landscape photography

Landscapes have many elements that are affect camera settings and the image processing. This course covers camera settings, composition, light control and digital post-production processing in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Night Sky and Milky Way Photography

The night sky is beautiful with all its stars and the milky way but long exposures and noise affect the images. This course will teach the exposure for the sky and the foreground, noise reduction, and the digital post-production processing in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Complete Workflow for Sunrise and SUNset Photography

Sunrises and sunsets have a high dynamic range which makes shooting difficult. This course will teach the exposure for the sky and the foreground, noise reduction, and the digital post-production processing in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Course Updates

The courses will be updated regularly and members who bought the course will offered a discounted upgrade price.

What You Get

These courses are based on years of experimenting and learning to maximize the technology that cameras and image processing software offer to create absolutely beautiful images. All courses offer step-by-step, easy to follow, instructions through each process. The courses consist of written explanations and instructions and short videos that explain and show each process step.